
  • Kindergarten


    The K5 class at PBA offers an enjoyable program where students are able to learn in a safe, curriculum-based, traditional environment. In addition to the regularly scheduled classes, K5 students have the opportunity to participate in chapel, music, art, library, daily recess, field trips, and special days.


    Abeka curriculum is utilized in kindergarten classes.

  • Elementary


    Our elementary students have many opportunities to develop--academically, socially, and, most importantly, spiritually. Our elementary department reinforces the foundation laid in early childhood, working with parents to provide students consistent teaching and training.

    In addition to the regularly scheduled classes, elementary students have the opportunity to participate in chapel, music, PE, library, daily recess, field trips, and specialty classes such art and foreign language.


    Abeka curriculum is utilized in elementary classes.

  • Secondary


    We endeavor to encourage growth in our middle and high school students mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually. Our core classes and electives are geared to those needs, and our teachers are both certified and talented to help students reach their potential.

    Additionally, secondary students have the opportunity to participate in athletics, fine arts, field trips, music, and German.


    A combination of Abeka Books and BJU Press are used in the classes of middle and high school students.

    Dual Enrollment

    11th and 12th grade students are eligible to participate in dual enrollment classes to earn credit for both high school and college classes simultaneously.